MTBChix&Trails is a fantastic platform for girls to organise group rides with their new found friends from the site. As mountain biking is predominately a male sport it can be difficult at times to find other female riders to ride with. Some women ride with their husbands or male friends, but a lot of women like the female company. Some women enjoy competing with the men, others, especially beginners, might want to build up their skills first. Our rides can be decided by any member, whatever they might like to try, whether it's trail centre, xc or downhill. It just takes a post on our discussion group to see who's interested in joining in and find out who wants to go along. Some routes are decided on the day depending on the skills of the members, others are more specific, like an uplift day at a downhill centre, where full face helmets and body armour are used. Meeting other members is a great way of being shown around new places, especially the natural trails, such as Guisborough, where a lot of trails are hard to find. Events can also be created in the group, where you can plan a few weeks ahead and maybe make a longer journey to somewhere you've always wanted to try. A lot of the time someone will just post on the discussion group that they are heading out later that day if anyone wants to join them, and as there is a lot of activity on the page, it can be a great way of meeting someone you've chatted to but never met. A fantastic way to meet new people and find new riding buddies! |
Admin and Event hosts are not responsible for a rider's safety on any ride.
It is the rider's own responsibility to decide if they are capable of any rides they join.
Rider's are welcome to dismount and walk any parts of ride they are uncertain of.
Bikes must be in a safe working condition and helmets should always be worn on rides.
It is the rider's own choice to decide how much protection should be worn on rides.
Spare tubes, bike pump and basic tools should be carried on all rides.
Sufficient water and food should be taken on all rides.
A First Aid kit should be taken on rides.
MTBChix&Trails will not be liable in any way, or in any circumstances for any damage, injury or loss to you or to your party that may occur during, in connection with, or as a result of mountain biking. Users participate in the sport entirely at their own risk and must ride within their own capabilities.
Use of this website is for your own personal and non-commercial use. Materials may not be copied, reproduced, republished, down-loaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way, without prior written permission of MTBChix&Trails.
Copyright © 2015 Michelle Haigh MTBChix&Trails
Use of this website is for your own personal and non-commercial use. Materials may not be copied, reproduced, republished, down-loaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way, without prior written permission of MTBChix&Trails.
Copyright © 2015 Michelle Haigh MTBChix&Trails